by Kyndra Frazier
May of 2020 I was living in New York City. Like most people I was making as much room as I could for the swift changes occurring. From being sheltered in place, supervising staff and interns virtually, balancing bi-vocational positions as Associate Pastor and Executive Director, existing in a zoom world of meetings and preparing for a virtual fundraiser, to the rampant increase of death and dying due to our global divine pause.
As if this wasn’t enough, by the beginning of June I was newly single after 2 years, fired from a position I thought I would be in much longer, and navigating an interesting spiritual experience that required great emotional and psychological energy. The pandemic, along with these abrupt endings, was devastating. My sense of belonging to myself and the communities I perceived I belonged to were disrupted. Out of these unforeseen events, being fired registered as the most unsettling.
You might ask, why start the first blog of KYND in remembrance of where you were over a year ago.
My response: keep reading!
Being fired in the middle of a pandemic was not only devastating for me, but also to those who took solace in the ways God lived through my service, leadership, and care. I had to navigate the waters of shame and embarrassment and make the choice to not internalize them. I have no regrets. After much healing and continued work, I have come to discover that I was fired into freedom.
Our perception is everything. This blog is for those who’ve experienced abrupt endings whether it looks like divorce, the rupture of a friendship, the unexpected death of a loved one, an eviction notice, or layoff. Our sight during these times is critical. The new found freedom that exists after the firing invites me to prioritize what was gained, as opposed to what was lost. I gained a full-time entrepreneurial life, relocated to North Carolina where nurturing energy is more prevalent, and gained more space to create. This new found freedom expanded room for new friendships of integrity and the release of those I was no longer in alignment with.
There is freedom in endings. Every ending wipes the slate clean for us to create anew and rediscover what we are made of. Beloved, the seasons of ending in your life only come to fortify and strengthen, even in the midst of felt brokenness. If you’re reading this, I believe you’re committed to thriving. To thrive, we must always make the choice to re-build with the broken pieces which assist us in reshaping our lives in fruitful and transformative ways. KYND Consulting, would not exist as it does now had a season not ended in my life. You wouldn’t be where you are now, had some things not ended in your life. We bless the metaphorical firings in our lives and honor the ways they have pruned, grown, and freed us. #BeKYND